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1  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Re: work in progress on: April 05, 2013, 04:38:26 PM
You can save your designs using the save/send/share link from the preview screen.
2  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Re: how to save custom template on: October 22, 2012, 07:56:53 PM
Hi Susan,

On the screen where you can see the print preview of your bingo cards, you will find a save/send/share link. That will email a link to the bingo card design to yourself. If you do this while logged into the website, then you will have access to the design from your account page also.

3  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Re: Ability to customize BINGO Card on: October 22, 2012, 07:55:20 PM
Sorry for the late reply.

No, you can not customize the font color or the background of the bingo cards in either the free level of access or the Premium access.

4  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Re: Custom Christmas Icebreaker Bingo Card on: November 16, 2011, 09:06:42 PM
Hello venturing1,

That error is not asking you to remove Christmas from your terms. It's asking you to enter more different terms. At least 24 (or 25).

I.e. "Christmas Tree", "Christmas Present", "Christmas Dinner" are perfectly fine as three phrases; but you need another 21 (or 22) to generate bingo cards.


5  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Re: help! on: November 07, 2011, 11:57:34 AM
There are special programs that are made for this, unfortunately, I've never tried any of them, so I can't provide a recommendation.

I've personally used a large paper print out about 6 feet wide by 2 feet tall with all 75 possible numbers printed on it, and had assistants use post-it notes to cover the numbers that have been called. That was kind of fun.

I've seen some places just use an Excel spreadsheet or Power Point slide with a projector to display the numbers drawn for a door prize. It's fairly simple, but it worked reasonably well.

I've also replied to your email... but a post here might be useful for other visitors.  Thanks!
6  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Re: # unique cards vs. words on: June 16, 2011, 09:52:23 PM
SMS, I'm not sure of the exact number, but with 25 words, the number of unique combinations is way more than 100.  It should be in the thousands.


7  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Re: enlarging fonts on: March 28, 2011, 04:59:03 PM
Hi qman7112,

No, there is no direct way with our website, other than the font size option that is on the custom bingo card design form.  If you are only doing a handful of pages, I suppose a photocopier with scaling features could be used.  I can't think of any 3rd party programs that could do this, but there might be a PDF cropping tool out there that is easy to use.

8  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Re: new cards on: March 01, 2011, 09:37:13 PM
Hi Suzka. 

If you want to change your design, all you need to do is select the "Back" or "Go Back" links and make the changes. Then go forward with the submit button and links.

If that really isn't working for you, can you tell me a bit more information:

What type of computer are you using? (I.e. Windows or Apple?)
What web browser are you using (e.g. Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome)?


9  The Forums / Web Tools / Re: newline replacer on: December 07, 2010, 11:59:56 PM
eiland, thanks for the suggestion. 

That's a good suggestion, I've run into that situation too.  I'll put it on the suggestion list, but, don't hold your breath on it ever getting added... there's a long to-do list already.
10  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Re: Sending cards thru email on: September 29, 2010, 11:42:02 PM
Hi Bingoma,

What you can do is save the PDF files and send them as an attachment to your colleagues using your regular email software. For instance, you could tell Colleage #1 to use page 1, Colleague #2 to use page 2, etc.

11  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Re: Help on: August 18, 2010, 09:39:42 AM
dopeydoc, what page came up after you submitted your word list?  Maybe there was a required field that wasn't filled in? 
12  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Updates to - Please report any bugs. on: August 09, 2010, 10:39:33 AM

We're doing a lot of updates to the programming.  If you run into issues or bugs, or if you have a suggestion, please let us know.  Post a topic here, or email us at


13  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Whoops. The forums have been fixed. on: August 08, 2010, 06:02:59 PM
We had a technical problem with the forums that broke the logins.  Sorry!  It's fixed now.
14  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Re: Customize the word BINGO, but keep the randomly generated numbers on: April 15, 2010, 08:34:53 PM
Hi ewasko,

I'm glad you've figured things out.

Just to clarify for anyone else who happens to find this forum post in the future, you would go to our list of bingo card types here:  Then choose "numeric bingo cards for customization" - which just uses our custom word list system, pre-populated with the standard bingo card numbers, in the right columns.

15  The Forums / Bingo Card Generator / Re: Is this site right for what I need on: February 19, 2010, 12:31:42 PM
Hi ewasko,

You can not insert a custom logo with  Many people will run the paper through their printer twice, once to put a corporate logo on the paper, and a second time to put the bingo cards on them.  Or use pre-printed letterhead.

As for the # of cards that you need, it really varies.  If you go to a bingo hall, people will regularly buy 3-10 cards per person per game.  But for a friendly game, usually you only get one card each per game.  As for the length of each game, it entirely depends on the # of words in the card (assuming you're using a custom word list).


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